Selasa, 24 April 2007

Networking in Milan: Emma Bird is presenting Milan IN to the readers of HowToItaly

Emma Bird has written on March 27 an article called Networking in Milan, now published in the official Blog of HowToItaly.
I could say that me and Emma are the good “social networking friends”. We've first met on Ecademy (Emma said in her article it was on LinkedIN in 2006, but I remember the very first contact was even earlier, on Ecademy in 2005 I think).
Emma is a “Power Networker” of Ecademy and she is leading some Ecademy local Clubs, also Ecademy Italia-Milano (together with Maurizio Morabito, one of the Eademy Italia leaders and we're now in contact with Maurizio after the Penny Power's commenting in private for me and Pier Carlo on my recent Blog article "The Future of Social Networks").

We do keep in touch with Emma, time to time discussing some interesting topics- about Social Networking, Business Networking, Italy and what's the life of emigrants here :lol: (last time I was commenting for her in private the HowToItaly's article about that the permit-of-stay will be managed via Post Offices, I know how it's working or not working in the real life).
Lately we had some intensive exchange of mails about the recent book of Emma and HowToItaly, called “Starting a Business in Italy”, the book I bought immediately when Emma told me it is available from Amazon UK, and I found lots of useful info for myself there! Thank you Emma, it's just the great book for the people like me, who want to start some business in Italy but taking into account the specific of the “Bel Paese” :), still consider this goal unreachable...

Well, the article of Emma about Milan IN and about me, is here on the Blog site of HowToItaly

Digital cocktail party hostess,- it's what ppl will expect from Social Networks?

It was my first time to meet an article about Social Networks where the founder/CEO of Xing, Lars Hinrichs, explains what's the future that expects us, and why Xing is different from the other similar projects (on-line Social Networks). And it also this time I did not find the article by myself, it was Sean to show it to me :)

Here is the article: In Europe, the social network as digital friend.

And the most interesting parts of it, skipping the ads for Xing, are as follows:

"The ideal social network should work as a computer-enhanced friend that suggests people you ought to know," said Lars Hinrichs, the founder of the Xing social network, based in Hamburg.

"Networks are filled with people who would be connected to one another if they knew their own common interests."

"We are moving towards a project economy where people operate as free agents and have less reliance on companies," Hinrichs said. "In this environment, networks will become the tool for linking people." 

In such an environment, the value of social networks rises over time, Hinrichs added, since their members would be vital for involvement in future projects.

"The need to control your Google profile and digital identity will only grow over time," Hinrichs said. "The value of networks will also increase."

The complete story is HERE

P.S. And there will be my 5 cents: It's well knows that Germans are very good to implement the complex systems that in the following are greately accepted by German people... but it's not always working with some more "Dolce Vita" people :)

And I am also afraid that some arguments for Xing to be so much better because it's such an advanced (read- complex!)... won't never work for everybody!

However I must admit that from my personal point of view, Xing is the greatest on-line platform ever!

Chiamateci Milan-IN 2.0! (Milan IN-2.0, part II)

Grazie alla nostra bravissima Cri (Cristina Di Grado) dall'area di comunicazione del Club, adesso abbiamo anche una versione Italiana del articolo di Milan-IN 2.0 che ho scritto prima in Inglese. La versione originale (Inglese) si trova qua.

Da tempo, ormai, la squadra marketing di Milan In ha cominciato a usare il termine con i giornalisti, con i partners, con i blogger. Milan IN 2.0. Perchè 2.0 e cosa significa? 4 le ragioni:

  • (1) Milan IN è stato il club pioniere del Social Networking 2.0, perchè siamo stati i primi a portare il social networking dall’online alla “realtà”, fino alle origini del vero networking

  • (2)  Milan IN è un Business Club 2.0, questo significa che noi rappresentiamo la nuova generazione dei business clubs – con un approccio aperto e innovativo, con uno spirito rivolto a mettere insieme e far incontrare le persone per il business networking, molto diverso dal tradizionale approccio di club come il Rotary, i Lions o molti altri, di solito, ristretti e destinati a personalità di prestigio.

  • (3) Milan IN è inoltre un progetto Web 2.0, che contribuisce alla crescita su scala mondiale del Social web: nella nostra “seconda vita”, il web, viviamo sulla nostra piattaforma di social networking, quella che usiamo per Milan IN, ma, dall’altro lato, lo sviluppiamo e lo manteniamo come un progetto Open source (, condividendolo con gli altri gruppi di Social Networking

  • (4) Questo è il motivo per cui parliamo di Milan IN Reloaded o di Milan IN 2.0, dal momento che il progetto è passato alla sua seconda fase, più matura, più strutturata, più forte grazie al contributo di alcuni importanti partner e di molte persone nuove.

Ad oggi, Milan IN ha una sua identità ben definita, con una notorietà sempre più vasta, tanto da essere oggi più conosciuto come il club di Social Business Networking Club di Milan, invece che il Linkedin Club di Milano - anche se continuiamo ad usare e promuovere Linkedin.

4 buone ragioni dunque per chiamarlo Milan IN 2.0.

Chiamateci dunque 2.0 – il più importante e riconosciuto Social Business Networking Club in Italy.

Kamis, 19 April 2007

We call it Milan-IN 2.0!

Web 2.0? Social Network 2.0? Business Club 2.0?... Milan-IN 2.0!

Milan IN Marketing Team members are already used to speak about the Club to journalists/ bloggers/ partners using the term Milan IN 2.0. Why 2.0 and what does it mean? 4 are the reasons for that! 

  • (1) Milan IN is a pioneer of Social Networking 2.0, because we have been the very first to bring the Social Networking from on-line to real life, back to the roots of human Networking!

  • (2)Milan IN is a Business Club 2.0, this means we represent the new generation of Business Clubs - with an Open and Innovative approach to bring together people for Business Networking, unlike the traditional approach of Rotary/ Lions/ etc, usually restricted and prestige Clubs for Business people.

  • (3) Milan IN is also Web 2.0 project, contributing to the growth of Social Web world-wide: in our “second life”, the Web, we are based on the platform for Social Networking that we are using for Milan IN but also we are developing and maintaining as an Open Source project (, sharing it with the others Social Networking Groups!

  • (4) This is the reason why we are speaking about Milan IN Reloaded or Milan IN 2.0, as the project has moved to its second phase, becoming much mature, much more well structured, powered by several important Partners, full of new great people ready to contribute to it.

Milan IN has now a proper own identity, getting an even more important fame - today the Club is known in Italy much better as a Social Business Networking Club of Milan, instead of Linkedin Club of Milan User - even if we still keep on using and promoting Linkedin.

4 good enough reasons to call it Milan IN 2.0?

And we want it to be really 2.0 - the LEADING Social Business Networking Club in Italy.

Jumat, 13 April 2007

Marketing Team Reloaded, or it's already Milan-IN 2.0?

It's about just the best people, only the most ambiguous projects, only the most effective strategies, only the most exciting quests...

- that was the atmosphere of the meeting of yesterday at MIP, the first meeting of the RELOADED/ updated/ renewed Marketing Team of Milan IN now guided by Luca Zambrelli.

I am using the term "reloaded" since it has become very popular on the pages of our web site, after the recent Marketing in the changed-world conference segnalised to us by Andrea Boaretto.

Who are those people that will now make destiny of the Club? Of course there will be a place for an official Team presentation soon, and we'll also soon update our The Teams page. But now today it's just my personal admiration of how is the Club growing, becoming mature, becoming strongher!

Here they are:

Luca Zambrelli, Cristina Di Grado, Valeria Scarcelli, Laura Maria Caccia, Andrey Golub, Andrea Falzin, Marco Marzagalli, Donatella Derosa, Alessandro Santo, Roberto Mastropasqua, Angelo Ricca, Leonardo Bellini, Lilli Geri, Luisa Galbiati, Piero Refolo, Fabio Paron, Marcello del Bono, Sean Carlos,- people that will build the future of Milan IN. 

And it's such a pity that Elena Lidonnici, one of the best marketing-n-communication professionals we could ever find in Italy for the Marketing Team of Milan IN, will not be able to support us. But we know and respect your reasons, Elena! Maybe later you'll come back to us :)

Jumat, 06 April 2007

Un nuovo accordo di partnership con Level IP

Ancora una volta si ampliano i confini di Milan IN.

Grazie al lavoro di Francesco Rinaudo e Piersergio Trapani, soci Milan-IN, da oggi il nostro club ha un nuovo partner tecnologico, Level IP

 L'accordo con Level IP prevede un servizio di hosting su un server Linux dedicato per un anno, completamente gratuito, per il 2007/2008, insieme ad uno sconto del 10-15% di managed hosting per i soci Milan IN. 

In cambio, Milan IN potrà offrire i seguenti servizi:

  • Visibilità con loghi/presentazione azienda in almeno 2 eventi nel 2007

  • Promozione dei prodotti/servizi Level IP sugli associati con il 10-15% di sconto.

Ancora una volta, il networking, le nostre capacità relazionali e le buone amicizie ci hanno aiutato a costruire un'entusiasmante partnership!

Grazie di nuovo, quindi, a Piersergio e Francesco, senza dimenticare Andrey Golub (IT Manager) e Michael Tabolsky (Site Architect/Admin) per l'ottimo lavoro svolto nel gestione del progetto, nella realizzazione del sito e nella ricerca delle migliori soluzioni informatiche.