Our best congratulations to Marco Marzagalli- the next Member of the Year (2006) of Milan-IN Club !!!
I nostri migliori auguri a Marco Marzagalli- il Socio Dell'Anno (2006) del Milan-IN Club !!!
Il Bio di Marco- in Italiano-
Marco nasce a Varese nel 1975. Dopo aver conseguito la maturita' scientifica, si reca a Milano dove studia Discipline Economiche e Sociali all'Universita' Bocconi, con indirizzo quantitativo. Prima di laurearsi presta servizio militare per un anno nell'Arma dei Carabinieri presso la Stazione di Varedo (MI). Ancora oggi ritiene che questa sia stata una pietra miliare nella sua formazione.
Inizia la sua carriera lavorativa nel mondo dei fondi speculativi - hedge fund - a Lugano, poi Chiasso, per poi tornare ancora a Lugano e solo recentemente, Dicembre 2006, spostarsi a Zurigo per assumere significative responsabilita' in una grande societa' di gestione di investimenti lternativi.
Il suo piu' grande rimpianto e` non essere piu' attivo a livello quotidiano con il team di MilanIN.
Anche qua- nella Galleria Soci dell'Anno di Milan-IN.
The Marco's bio in English-
And also in the Members of the Year Award Gallery of Milan-IN.Marco was born in Varese, on the swiss border, in 1975. After having completed high school in a small village near Varese (Gavirate) he moved to Milano to attend the quantitative focus university course of Discipline Economiche e Sociali at Bocconi University. He graduated there with a yet to be understood thesis on Incomplete Markets and the limits of neoclassical economic theory in a world characterized by unhedgable risks.
He spent one year of his life in the military, serving as a Carabiniere in a small police station near Milano (Varedo); he stills considers this to be the most important period of his life concerning his growth as a man. He later started his career in the hedge fund business, working for offshore single manager funds (mainly global macros and long-short equities) with advisory companies based in Switzerland. Since December 2006 he is based in Pfaeffikon SZ, 20 mins from Zurich, where he is in charge of commodity-related investments analysis for an important alternative assets management company.In his spare time he loves to read and to drive his convertible around lake Zurich.
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