Windows7 Widget: the Weather in Milan : a 100% true prediction and (emotional) picture!
Originally uploaded by avg_milano
It was exactly such a sh*t, a mix b/w the snow and the rain... and my Windows7 widget felt it very well! :) - Il video messaggio per tutti gli utenti della rete e per chi crede nel potere di internet. Telethon ringrazia Luca Cattoi di Graffiti 2000 per la realizzazione e Paolo Iabichino di Ogilvy per il concept.
We have finally realized that the Internet is much more than a network of computers. It is an endless web of people. Men and women from every corner of the globe are connecting to one another, thanks to the biggest social interface ever known to humanity. Digital culture has laid the foundations for a new kind of society.
And this society is advancing dialogue, debate and consensus through communication. Because democracy has always flourished where there is openness, acceptance, discussion and participation. And contact with others has always been the most effective antidote against hatred and conflict.
That's why the Internet is a tool for peace.
That's why anyone who uses it can sow the seeds of non-violence.
And that's why the next Nobel Peace Prize should go to the Net.
A Nobel for each and every one of us.
Hai già un’idea d’impresa e non hai tutti gli elementi per trasformarla in realtà?
Fai la tua mossa!Vieni a MIfaccioIMPRESA, il Salone dei Nuovi Imprenditori.
Halldis e' un partner ufficiale del nostro Business Club (
E questo e' un loro spot promozionale- MOLTO BEN FATTO, vero? :)
The SIGGRAPH Technical Papers program is the premier international forum for disseminating new scholarly work in computer graphics and interactive techniques. This video provides a preview of some ...
Conferenza stampa Expo 2015 S.p.A. all'Autodromo di Monza durante il GP di F1 Santander d' Italia 2009.
E' la prima importante occasione per permettere al pubblico di un grande evento sportivo di entrare in contatto con il tema di Expo 2015.
Lucio Stanca, Amministratore Delegato Expo 2015 Spa. video di presentazione sito Expo 2015.