Jumat, 17 Oktober 2008

Andrey, tagged as MilanIN

Andrey, tagged as MilanIN
Inserito originariamente da avg_milano

Andrey & Jaana= MilanIN + Mobile Monday!


MUSA, partner of MilanIN @SMAU

MUSA, partner of MilanIN @SMAU
Inserito originariamente da avg_milano

Piero Refolo, CEO Aermatica- HERO OF THE DAY, Technology Innovation @SMAU 2008


Vania, MilanIN TV Manager & Lorenzo Guerra, TheBlogTV

MilanIN @SMAU- Business Social Networking Event, managed by Luca Zambrelli

Luigi, MilanIN @SMAU manager

Luigi, MilanIN @SMAU manager
Inserito originariamente da avg_milano


Inserito originariamente da avg_milano

Anteos- the flying miracle

Anteos- the flying miracle
Inserito originariamente da avg_milano

Marco Camisani-Calzolari, IMPRESA 4.0, SMAU PREVIEW

Nicola De Carne- WiNext, SMAU Innovation


MilanIN @SMAU- BMW Test Drive Milano for MilanIN

MilanIN is very thankful to Test Drive BMW Milano for the service offered during SMAU 2008 event!

Minggu, 12 Oktober 2008

ANTEOS- il prototipo di un innovativo UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)

Visitare SMAU 2008, Percorsi dell'INNOVAZIONE ( percorsi.smau.it/ ), per conoscere meglio AERMATICA Spa, ( www.aermatica.com ) & loro ANTEOS,
prototipo di un innovativo UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) capace di svolgere diverse attività in ambito Sorveglianza & Sicurezza, Osservazioni Scientifiche Terrestri, Tutela Ambientale, Esplorazione Mineraria & Sotterranea, Applicazioni Industriali, Riprese Aeree.

Sabtu, 11 Oktober 2008

Maria Grazia & Rosanna, MILANO IN PROGRESS imprese creative e innovative in festa

Inserito originariamente da avg_milano
Innovation Circus- MILANO IN PROGRESS, Milano- Palazzo Giureconsulti, 11 Ottobre 2008.

the full album is here:

Senin, 06 Oktober 2008

"Thirst" is the World's Best Presentation for 2008

"Thirst" by Jeff Brenman has been chosen as the World's Best Presentation for 2008 by top presentation gurus Guy Kawasaki, Nancy Duarte, Garr Reynolds and Bert Decker. Slideshare users voted on entries and the judges picked the best presentations. Check out the other winners too.

read more | digg story