Minggu, 28 September 2008

Why You Should Read Blogs at Work, by Steve Rubel

It's really a shame that more people aren't reading blogs at work, and we don't just say that because we'd like the increased readership. If you're not reading blogs at work, you may not be doing your job as well as you could be. Below we discuss three advantages to reading blogs on the job and offer examples of the kinds of blogs that people. . .

read more | digg story

Minggu, 14 September 2008

Ho fatto un piccolo casino 2.0 su facebook oggi :)

non parlare mai di politica sui Social Network? :)
ma che e' meglio di no! ;)

ecco un esempio concreto di stamattina- mi sono unito con il gruppo "Silvio Berlusconi Ti Amo" ( www.new.facebook.com/group.php?gid=29708906198 ) :D ed ho ricevuto ~20 commenti in mezzora sul mio muro :) www.new.facebook.com/profile.php?id=628147811

ma che casino! ;)

Selasa, 09 September 2008

Senin, 08 September 2008

Pietro Scott Jovane, nuovo Amministratore Delegato di Microsoft Italia

Pietro Scott Jovane, nuovo Amministratore Delegato di Microsoft Italia

P.S. la foto mi serve per questo Blog post-

"ncontro per i blogger con Pietro Scott Jovane, nuovo Amministratore Delegato di Microsoft Italia."

Jumat, 05 September 2008

Selasa, 02 September 2008

a towel- made dinosaur. by Splendour staff

one more funny picture- now it's a Dinosaur made from a shower towel ;)

1/2 price for ALL cocktails & spirits, on the beach of Mikonos/Greece!

that's why I loved Greece! ;)

Another towel-made animal, by Splendour room assistant ;)

it's just for fun! ;)

A funny animal made from a towel

A funny animal made from a towel (few towels) by Splendour of the Seas staff ;)

Andrey & Oksana :)

Andrey & Oksana :)
Inserito originariamente da avg_milano
just for fun

Splendour of the Seas, Greek Isles Cruise in Aug 2008- FACEBOOK GROUP


IL MONDO: un nuovo articolo su MilanIN

IL MONDO: articolo su MilanIN
Inserito originariamente da avg_milano
Federazione Nazionale Club-IN, espansione dell'idea di MilanIN!